Amber Andrews,
Lisetta Carmi,
Alina Chaiderov,
Srijon Chowdhury,
Leonardo Devito,
Romane de Watteville,
Garance Früh,
Francesco Gennari,
David Horváth,
Daniel Jacoby,
Piotr Makowski,
Nene Martelli,
Chalisée Naamani,
Olve Sande,
Sean Townley,
Zoe Williams
G. Küng
Inexhaustible Gifts of Celebratory Fruits
Carrot, 2015, photographic print on paper, cm. 55 x 80
Big Bread, 2015, photographic print on paper, cm. 133 x 200
Melon and Rind, 2015, photographic print on paper mounted on aluminum, cm. 20,6 x 29,4
Bench, 2015, varnished engraved pine wood, cm. 41,5 x 179,5 x 28
Blurry Cornucopia, 2015, photographic print on paper, framed, cm. 21 x 28,2
Grapes, 2015, photographic print on paper mounted on aluminum, cm. 20,6 x 29,4
Orange Halves, 2015, photographic print on paper mounted on aluminum, cm. 20,6 x 29,4
Watermelon and Slice, 2015, photographic print on paper mounted on aluminum, cm. 20,6 x 29,4